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Pres Obama Cart before Horse economy

Pres Obama Cart before Horse economy
Scam of Century - America - you been had!

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The first question to ask our leaders and the news media is this. Who said we had to compete with each other for the same jobs like gladiators in a global economic arena.

It is obvious, free trade and globalization have not evolved in any natural economic fashion but have been driven by powerful forces outside the will of the people. If free trade had to be ratified by a popular vote, it would have never passed.

Ray Tapajna Journals predicted our economic crisis years ago based on top experts in the field starting with Sir James Goldsmith who authored The Trap and led populist movements in England and France, Manuel Castells who wrote several books about globalization and free trade relating to the coming of the Bewildered New World crisis and Chuck Harder, who was host of worldwide For the People radio program and published a newspaper in the 1990s. He featured economist Dr. Pat Choate, who was the vice president candidate when Ross Perot ran for president. We also refer to Rep Marcy Kaptur, who Perot asked to be his vice president candidate but she did not accept it. She too is dedicated to workers dignity and fair trade.

Here are a summary of sites related to the years of globalization and free trade failures See and

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Obama story - Cart before the Horse economy

The economic crisis is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It is about all about Free Enterprise being shredded by the Free Market. Globalization and Free Trade are the main causes behind our economic crisis. President Clinton, a Democrat, pushed the passage of the unfair NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. President Obama ignores this and the Trade Deficit as being a major part of our money crisis. It is a massive loss. The Trade Deficit has broken records since 1994 - that adds up to more than 15 years. President Obama mentioned "protectionism" will harm the country but like most free traders are unable to prove it and use a two year period in 1930s as an example even though, it is a myth. Even if it is true, how can they compare two years with more than 15 years of Free Trade failures. The Great Depression was a money crisis and trade and tariffs were a mute point.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said it all when he told Congress during the last stimulus package debate. He said the best way to stimulate the economy, is to buy "domestically produced" goods. This is the beginning and end of our economic problems with Free Trade not about trading goods but primarily about moving production and factories from place to place anywhere in the world for the sake of cheaper labor.
As long as President Obama ignores all this, his economic recovery plans will fall apart.

see Overview
and for a mobile user friendly summary of articles relating to the above by Ray Tapajna see and The Flat World is upside down.

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